The Power of Partnerships

Highlighting Your Impact in 2022

Your Impact

increase icon Speciality Consultations Were Offered To Patients With Cleft Conditions
increase icon Programs Were Carried Out In 21 Countries
increase icon Was Invested In Areas Of Need Around The World

Care Centres

13 Care Centres in 11 Countries
24 Specialty Consultations are offered at our 13 care centres
37,739 Children received cleft care at our care centres

ENT Consultations

395 ENT consultations
24 Audiology consultations
57 Nasoendoscopy consultations
6607 Plastic Surgery consultations

Psychosocial Care and Workshops

5,281 Cleft Parenting & Psychosocial Workshops
8,264 Psychology consultations
8,063 Social Work consultations
70 Physical Therapy consultations

Pre- and Post-Surgical Consultations

1,923 Anesthesiology consultations
909 Post Op Care consultations
183 Genetics consultations
868 Laboratory Tests

Child Life & Speech Therapy

3,634 Child Life consultations
14,372 Speech Therapy consultations
1,763 Early Childhood Intervention Workshops

Dental Care

1,097 Oral Hygiene consultations
1,725 Maxillo Orthodontic consultations
3,172 Orthodontia consultations
8,926 Dentistry consultations
931 Periodontic Treatment consultations

Integrated Pediatric Care

42 Neuropediatric consultations
7,141 Pediatrics consultations
12,174 Nursing consultations
4,453 Nutrition consultations

Countries Supported by Operation Smile Canada

Countries Supported By Operation Smile Canada

Beaming with Joy!

Honoré was born in Madagascar with a cleft lip and cleft palate to caring parents who wanted nothing but the best for him. “Children were afraid of him,” his mother, Eclaire, recalls emotionally. “He would play alone because others thought his cleft lip could be contagious.”

Eclaire first brought Honoré to an Operation Smile surgical program in 2019. Unfortunately, Honoré was underweight and malnourished. A staggering 55% of children under five in Madagascar experience stunted growth. This sadly meant Honoré was too weak to undergo surgery. Instead, partners like you ensured he could be enrolled in Operation Smile’s Nutrition Program in Madagascar.

Explore Your Impact in 2022

Surgeon Joëlle Photo

Surgical Programs

More Surgeries Helping More Patients

Santa Cruz therapist photo

Local Program Operations

New Smiles in Bolivia

Cleft Care Center

New Cleft Care Centres

Expanding Access to Cleft Care

Riohacha Surgery

Local Health Care Partnerships

Strengthening Our Partnerships with Local Healthcare Providers

Munzeba before photo

Strengthening Cleft Care in Africa

Through Hospital Partnerships & Training

Dental Photo

Dental & ENT Programs

Expanding Comprehensive Cleft Care

Guatemala group photo

Canadians Deliver New Smiles in Guatemala

The life-changing impact of our volunteers

Financial Highlights

Lori Tymchyk - Treasurer

Lori Tymchyk


As restrictions around the world continue to ease, our global teams are starting to return to a robust schedule of surgeries to help more patients in more places, I am thankful for each of you (our partners) for helping Operation Smile deliver more surgeries and care for waiting children.

Statement of Operations Fiscal Year 2022 July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022

Revenue FY22
Donations $15,410,998
Grants $700,000
Other $293,201
Total Revenue $16,404,199
Expenses FY22
Programs $8,993,997
Fundraising $5,080,280
Admin $1,588,197
Total Expenses $15,662,474
Operating Surplus $741,725
Internally Restricted to Programs $741,725
Unrestricted Fund Net Surplus $0

Program Investments

  • Surgical Programs 31%
  • Comprehensive Care Centres 26%
  • Local Medical Programs
    including nutrition and other pre- and post-operative care programs
  • Training & Education 21%

Our accountability and financial stewardship to you is important.
Please click the button below to view/download our full audited financial statements.

Thank you drawings, from children

Thank you for your donation. God bless you.

Our Thanks to You

Dr. Bill & Kathy Magee

Operation Smile

Ken Wilson & Mark Climie-Elliott

Chair, Board of Directors & Chief Executive Officer, Operation Smile Canada

More Smiles Every Day

Every gift leads to a smile and means the world to a child who needs your help. A great way to help more children every day is to become a monthly SMILE PARTNER. Giving monthly is an easy, budget-friendly way for you to deliver impact to the children every month. You’ll keep them healthy before and after their surgery, ensuring care every step of the way and for as long as they need us.

Many local surgical programs are resuming where conditions are safe for patients and local medical volunteers. Become a SMILE PARTNER today and help deliver new smiles and complete care to the thousands of waiting children around the world.

Call us at: 1.844.376.4530 or

Click hereto learn more
Laura Camila Gonzalez Alvarez holding her before surgery photo

You can download a PDF version of The Power of Partnerships – Highlighting Your Impact in 2022

Thank you