2x Match this Summer

So many parents long for the moment they see that wonderful, heart-melting new smile for the first time. Your summer gift goes twice as far to help children like Madeli.

Madeli, smiling before her surgery
Smile Report

Heydi's New Smile Bringing hope to communities everywhere

Discover how your support is providing hope and life-changing care to patients like Heydi while also helping to strengthen healthcare systems in their communities.

Connecting With You

Operation Smile Canada has launched our 2024 outreach program. You may receive a visit at your door in the coming weeks.

In partnership with Globalfaces Direct, our representatives will be knocking on doors in Ottawa, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Kelowna and their surrounding regions to help create more smiles for waiting children. Our community representatives knocking on your door will be wearing blue vests with our Operation Smile Canada logo on the front and back. You might receive a follow-up call from 1-844-720-2372 (toll-free) or 1-647-479-0396 (local) or 1-778-817-0322 (local).

Thank you. If you have any questions about this campaign, please contact our Donor Care team at 1-844-376-4530 or by email at [email protected]. Thank you.

Door to Door Campaign Workers

Impact Report

The 2023 Impact Report is here. Click below to read about the impact you’ve had in the lives of children with cleft conditions.

Read Impact Report

Special Occasion E-Cards

You can send e-cards to honour someone special, mark an anniversary, or celebrate a birthday.

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Become a monthly SMILE PARTNER

Join our family of monthly SMILE PARTNERS today to experience the joy of delivering new smiles and comprehensive care to children with cleft lip and palate.

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Gift in Your Will

You can have a greater impact in the world than you ever thought possible by adding Operation Smile Canada as a beneficiary in your will, life insurance policy or retirement plan.

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You support medical and educational programs around the globe

Read about the life-saving and life-changing work made possible by incredible donors and volunteers.