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Sweet Leasy was born with a cleft lip and palate in Toamasina, Madagascar. His grandmother, Jeanette, has been a pillar of support and care for him since. “He was so tiny,” she shared. “His parents have not been around, so I am the one who takes care of him.”

Jeanette tried her best to care for her grandson, but Leasy struggled to feed due to his severe cleft palate. He was malnourished – getting weaker by the day.

Fortunately, Jeanette reached out to Operation Smile in Madagascar and found hope for her grandson’s future. At Leasy’s first medical evaluation, it was apparent that he would need nutritional care to help him gain the weight he would require for his first cleft surgery, and time was running out.

Your compassion and generosity meant Leasy received the life-saving nutritional care he needed. He’s one of over 280 children enrolled in Operation Smile’s Nutrition Program in Madagascar.

The program provides children like Leasy and their families with monthly nutritional boxes, including baby formula, specialized cleft feeding bottles, and nutritional supplements.

With support from Operation Smile and his grandmother’s loving care, little Leasy gained 100 grams in just two days! He will receive his first life-changing cleft surgery when he reaches a healthy weight.

“I’ve wondered how I’d be able to take care of my grandson. I’ve been very worried,” says Jeanette. “I was searching for information on how to feed him. I’m so thankful I found Operation Smile and appreciate you taking care of my grandson.”

We are so thankful to be able to share powerful stories like Leasy’s! Our incredible global volunteers and partners like you embody this spirit of resilience that allows Operation Smile to continue delivering life-saving cleft care throughout the world.

Donors and Volunteers made this story possible. Thank you.