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Honoré was born in Madagascar with a cleft lip and cleft palate to caring parents who wanted nothing but the best for him. “Children were afraid of him,” his mother, Eclaire, recalls emotionally. “He would play alone because others thought his cleft lip could be contagious.”

Eclaire first brought Honoré to an Operation Smile surgical program in 2019. Unfortunately, Honoré was underweight and malnourished. A staggering 55% of children under five in Madagascar experience stunted growth. This sadly meant Honoré was too weak to undergo surgery. Instead, partners like you ensured he could be enrolled in Operation Smile’s Nutrition Program.

The Nutrition Program delivers vital supplies, including food packages of rice, beans, milk, and oil, to those hit hardest by the pandemic. It provided Honoré and his parents with the lifeline they needed.

When surgical programs resumed in the spring of 2022 in Madagascar, Honoré was in good health. He passed all his medical evaluations and was scheduled for his lifetransforming cleft surgery.

Eclaire says the wait was more than worth it. “Honoré is famous in our village now,” Eclaire shares joyfully. “He looks beautiful. Our family and neighbours were beaming with joy to see him. They couldn’t believe he was the same child.”

Today, six-year-old Honoré is patiently waiting for his next surgery to repair his cleft palate. He dreams of being a school teacher when he grows up. A gift made possible by Operation Smile partners like you.

Donors and Volunteers made this story possible. Thank you.