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Girl stands with her mother

Pamela’s heart overflowed with happiness when she found out she was pregnant again after the heartbreaking loss of her first child. But that joy turned to fear the day she gave birth. Before she could even hold her newborn daughter, the nurses took her away. A few moments later, the doctor returned with news that would change everything: her baby girl, Luz, had been born with a cleft lip and palate.

Hearing those words was like a punch to the heart. Pamela couldn’t help but blame herself. Was it something she had done? The guilt was overwhelming. But her doctor quickly reassured her that none of this was her fault—this was just the way Luz had come into the world.

As Luz grew, so did Pamela’s determination to find a solution. When Luz was almost 8 months old, hope arrived in the form of Pamela’s mother, who had heard about Operation Smile. An international team of doctors and nurses was coming to Santa Cruz, Bolivia, for a surgical program—18 hours away by bus from their home in La Paz. The journey would be long and difficult, but Pamela knew she had to go. With her family’s support, she and Luz’s grandmother set out, filled with hope and fear.

Mother and child look up.
Pamela makes the journey from her home in La Paz to find surgical care for Luz.

The trip was anything but easy. At one point, their bus couldn’t go any further—a bridge had collapsed. With no choice, Pamela and her mother carried baby Luz across the uneven road, searching for another bus to continue the journey. Exhausted but determined, they finally made it to the hospital in Santa Cruz.

As soon as Pamela arrived, her anxiety began to ease. She saw other families who had traveled from far and wide, all searching for the same hope. Some children had even more severe conditions than Luz, and it reminded Pamela how lucky they were to have this opportunity. When she met the compassionate doctors and nurses from Operation Smile, her fears began to melt away. They were there to help, and to bring new smiles to children like Luz.

Luz’s first surgery was a success. Her lip was repaired, filling Pamela’s heart with relief and joy. But soon after, life’s challenges returned. Pamela became pregnant again and wasn’t able to make the long journey back to Santa Cruz for Luz’s second surgery. After her son was born, there was no one to take care of him, making the trip impossible.

But Pamela’s determination never faded. She found help in La Paz, and Luz’s palate was finally repaired. The transformation was incredible, but Pamela wanted to make sure her daughter had the best care. Concerned about the shape of Luz’s nose, she brought her to another Operation Smile surgical program in Santa Cruz. The doctors reassured Pamela that Luz’s lip and palate were perfectly repaired and suggested waiting until Luz turned fifteen for any further surgeries.

Today, Luz is a vibrant, confident teenager. She loves Justin Bieber, plays soccer and volleyball, and shares endless laughter with her best friends, Judith and Mariana. Her journey has been one of courage and resilience, and it’s far from over. Thanks to Operation Smile, Luz’s life was transformed, and her future is filled with promise.

Young girl smiles
Luz Clarita is a vibrant young girl with a bright future.

There are still so many children like Luz waiting for their new smile. Their families carry the same hopes and fears that Pamela once did.

Your support makes it possible for us to reach more children like Luz, to change their lives, and to bring hope to families around the world. Every gift helps us create more stories of transformation, more smiles, and brighter futures.

Young woman holds a photo of herself as a young child with cleft lip.
Luz continues to receive care through Operation Smile and has a bright future thanks to you.

Donors and Volunteers made this story possible. Thank you.