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A bright-eyed boy with a cleft lip looks at the camera and smiles

With their first baby on the way, José and Nely felt all the familiar feelings a happy couple might experience ahead of their routine 6-month ultrasound: joy, anticipation, excitement. However, this otherwise happy occasion was clouded by a clear view of their baby boy’s cleft lip in the ultrasound.  

Worried and scared, the parents-to-be wondered how they would be able to afford the care little Jassir would need when he was born. José is a hard-working farmer of corn and beans but cannot rely on a good harvest each year. Nely is a housewife, having only a 6th grade education. 

While their families were supportive and sensitive to their baby’s medical condition, misinformation and stigma still weighed on the couple – with one family member blaming Jassir’s cleft lip on an eclipse. With no family history of cleft conditions, it’s hard to understand why this happened to their baby.

Jassir with his parents; Nely and José


The exact causes of cleft are unknown. There are many risk factors that can increase the likelihood of a cleft condition, such as genetics and family history, some pre-existing medical conditions, malnutrition, and exposure to harmful environmental substances. The International Family Study, a  recent research conducted by Operation Smile in partnership with University of Southern California and Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, has revealed a potential connection between open flame wood smoke inhalation and an increase in cleft conditions. With this being a cultural staple for cooking in many low- and middle-income countries, this finding has the potential to prevent clefts for generations to come.  

What we do know is that José and Nely did not cause Jassir’s cleft lip – and that they went to great lengths that all loving parents do to give Jassir the life and future he deserves. 

When Jassir was born, José and Nely felt mixed emotions. Looking around the maternity ward, Jassir was the only baby with a cleft condition. They were sad, but hopeful that one day he could receive surgery to correct his cleft lip. 

Just 2 months later, José was given the phone number of an Operation Smile volunteer. This chance act of kindness from a friend was the first step towards Jassir’s transformation! 

José and Nely traveled 5 hours to Tegucigalpa, Honduras, with their baby boy to visit Operation Smile in hopes he would leave with a new smile. They could not believe how many other families had children with cleft conditions and – perhaps for the first time – didn’t feel alone. 

 Jassir was too young for surgery but was provided with a treatment plan that put the new parents’ hearts at ease.  

Many babies struggle to breast or bottle feed with cleft conditions because a gap in the lip or palate makes it difficult to latch. In these cases, Operation Smile provides nutrition intervention and ongoing counseling to ensure children grow healthy and strong enough for surgery. Fortunately, Jassir was a champion at breastfeeding and didn’t need nutritional support! 

One year later, the family returned with every finger crossed that Jassir would be cleared for the surgery that would change his life forever.

A baby with a cleft lip plays with a light up toy while his mom, who is wearing surgical scrubs, holds him
Jassir plays with a toy while he and his mom await surgery

José and Nely were overjoyed when the surgery date was scheduled – but the day of the procedure was emotional. Operation Smile’s psychosocial experts (counselors) helped prepare them for surgery and beyond. They comforted them when they were scared and educated them when they had questions.

When little Jassir was wheeled back from the Operating Room, a rush of emotion came over Nely. The future they envisioned for Jassir was now within reach – one that is healthy and full of possibilities.

mother dressed in surgical scrubs looks at her son in a hospital bed with happy tears in her eyes
Nely breaks down in tears when she sees her precious son after cleft surgery.

Now, Jassir is a happy, young boy who loves to ride his bike and play ball with his friends. He talks non-stop!

His family is very happy to learn about Operation Smile’s new care centre in San Pedro Sula – just 2 hours from their home – as part of our initiative to help more kids, closer to where they live.  

Jassir’s journey to a new smile, and the hundreds of thousands like his, are only possible because of committed partners like you who deeply care about the welfare of children around the world.  

Like us, you believe that all children deserve equitable access to quality healthcare, no matter where they are born. That belief has motivated you to take meaningful action which has completely changed little lives. Your impact could not be overstated. You are giving brand new futures to children like Jassir who would have surely faced bullying at school, speech and language delays, untreated dental differences, and so many more hardships. 

Your partnership not only provides the major surgical milestone that changes a child’s smile, but all the before and after surgery cleft care needed to live a full and healthy life – like nutrition, speech therapy, oral health, and psychosocial support. You are changing the world, one child at a time. Thank you!

A young boy smiles as he holds a picture of himself as a baby with a cleft lip
Handsome Jassir with a healed lip and playful spirit

Donors and Volunteers made this story possible. Thank you.