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Smile Blanket Challenge
Why SMILE Blankets?
In a fun and competitive atmosphere, your team will contribute firsthand to our medical missions by creating fleece SMILE Blankets (no sewing necessary). These blankets are wrapped around a child immediately after their surgery – keeping them warm and comfortable while they recover.
Thousands of children every year receive a SMILE Blanket. These blankets are often the first new blanket they’ve ever owned. We need your team’s help to keep the supply of SMILE Blankets growing as we seek to double our impact over the next five years.
Wow - We’re Totally In! How Will This Work?
A child’s cleft lip or cleft palate can be repaired for as little as $240 and in as few as 45 minutes. In that same time, your group can participate in two rounds of making SMILE blankets, dividing up into teams and getting creative along the way! You set the fundraising goal and your team will be included in our Longest Day of SMILES® celebration that happens every Summer Solstice. Go to and check out your progress, and ours! The suggested goal is $240 for every SMILE Blanket created. Alternatively, your organization or group can book a SMILE Blanket challenge and cover the costs of the activity directly as a single payment or donation in lieu of payment. Contact us for details! (The suggested fee is $240 per blanket made; usually a team of 2 – 4 can do one blanket in an hour)
Count Us In! How do I book this?
To book your own SMILE Blanket Challenge, please contact:
Community Engagement Team
Operation Smile Canada
t: (647) 696-0600 or 1-844-376-4530